About Us

About Us

Backstory-Where did we come from?

Before you spend any money with us, it’s probably quite nice to know a little bit about us and where we came from. Giggle Things started as a question from one of my oldest returning customers of my guitar repair business, “why don’t you do merchandise? T-shirts, mugs, that kind of thing?”

It had been something that I had looked into about a decade ago, but being a very small company, it wasn’t hugely appealing. The integrations with websites at the time were also not fantastic, so I heard back on the idea. Skip forward a decade and I now have a much bigger customer base, and the technology for website integration has improved massively. So it was time to revisit the idea.

While researching a merchandising solution, another part of the Print on Demand business caught my eye. The idea that you could take a new design or slogan and quickly produce a very good quality product – all thanks to the improvements in POD. I started to pay attention when friends would say “.. you should put that on a T-shirt!” I thought, “OK, I will!”

Giggle Things came from a very simple idea. Things that made us giggle! 

What started life as a solution to a Print on Demand merchandising problem quickly opened the doors to design concepts that we’d never thought of before and allowed us to experiment with styles, images and photography ideas, no matter what the genre. With this new outlet to show our designs, we have been able to turn this whole concept into a business that we are very proud of.

The Crew

Our Team

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Darrel Wilson

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